I think their somewhat close to Varanarsi and there's loads of cool things to see. I remember going Tiger hunting (finding) but you must get up extra early!! They dissapear after 6am. Wow its all coming back to me now we all went on Jeeps and there was a big wooden gate with huge spikes on it to stop some army that came on elephants (that should give you a clue as to the place) Seemed I was quite the outgoing ten year old as I wandered off in to the back of a truck with all these guys egging me on with scotch and ciggerettes!! On the way back we came across a pet monkey a tenacious little fucker almost as bad as those little yappaty dogs I hate. Have you seen 28 days later? This was worse!! We were all sat down next to it. With a chain around its neck also, it seemed pretty tame!! Now the monkey has escalated me and suddenly it doesn't seem as happy, This monkey has very much taken a dislike to me!! I'm very cautiously trying to move away and allow it some form of exit, the monkeys having none of it. This monkey's biting in to me like a fucking velociraptor, sounded like one too!! I ran off screaming fucking hell thankfully the chain only gave it so much range!! And after I was all fuck you, you vicous little monkey!! Nursing my wounds at the same time and were all sat in an open top jeep. Well. What should happen next? The monkey has broken free of its chain!! Its mounting towards me like a fucking t-rex. Get the fucking jeep started!! We just got away in time!!
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