Friday, 25 September 2009

Go Find Tigers!!

I think their somewhat close to Varanarsi and there's loads of cool things to see. I remember going Tiger hunting (finding) but you must get up extra early!! They dissapear after 6am. Wow its all coming back to me now we all went on Jeeps and there was a big wooden gate with huge spikes on it to stop some army that came on elephants (that should give you a clue as to the place) Seemed I was quite the outgoing ten year old as I wandered off in to the back of a truck with all these guys egging me on with scotch and ciggerettes!! On the way back we came across a pet monkey a tenacious little fucker almost as bad as those little yappaty dogs I hate. Have you seen 28 days later? This was worse!! We were all sat down next to it. With a chain around its neck also, it seemed pretty tame!! Now the monkey has escalated me and suddenly it doesn't seem as happy, This monkey has very much taken a dislike to me!! I'm very cautiously trying to move away and allow it some form of exit, the monkeys having none of it. This monkey's biting in to me like a fucking velociraptor, sounded like one too!! I ran off screaming fucking hell thankfully the chain only gave it so much range!! And after I was all fuck you, you vicous little monkey!! Nursing my wounds at the same time and were all sat in an open top jeep. Well. What should happen next? The monkey has broken free of its chain!! Its mounting towards me like a fucking t-rex. Get the fucking jeep started!! We just got away in time!!

Thursday, 24 September 2009

The Family Can Stay At Home!!

I was posted on an assignment as a mystery shopper I had to go by another name which is ironically Ash. I was in the market for this beast....yes that sounded camp to me too!!

It was great same dealy almost as with the Bank, they made me a nice capuchino and my job was to find out how low I could haggle him down to. OTR price of 19,675 I said I've got a breifcase full of cash the tax man will neeever know!! Kidding. But yes I was paying cash and got him right down to 18,350 with free extras. How fucking savy is that. "Why do you want such a big car?"
"Ummmm I have a big family."
"Contact telephone number?" Oh fuck I thought what if he rings me up wouldn't it be funny to come up with something to really wind him up. I did and he rang!! "Is that Ash?"
"Errghh yeeesss hi!!" ANd it takes forever to fuck around with apostrophies he went on to ask about if I was interested and why I hadn't returned to buy it that day as I said. "Sorry I had a sudden change of heart!! Imp of the perverse is sitting on my shoulder la la la "Yeah I've opted for the Mini electric instead!!"

I joked that it would pay for itself in gold bullion "I don't want a petrol or deisil car I want an electric one!! Its gonna be fantastic nil engine noise perfect silence, I don't need a 6 seater saloon car the family can stay at home, I'm opting for peace and quiete!! I don't want them ruining the tranquility!!" I hung up and collapesed on the floor oh that hurt so much!! I should have said a plane I know.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Cold Turkey

For the last 9 months there hasn't been a pupil in either eye. Nor have I had any money. I am however on top of it and have given my mum my bank card until I'm out of dept. I will be in credit by next week. The guy who deals me has had to cancel his morgage.... kidding. I must have smoked around 2k of mj over the years and I'm craving it like crazy. Its only been a week it feels much much longer. I slipped up once earlier on in the week but thats because I found a half smoked joint among some cd's, I never thought there was any possibility of such a thing existing cause I've been on my hands and knees before with tweezers near where I usually roll up picking bits out of the carpet, licking my grinder clean. I've been trying to invent things and I've had some amazing ideas though theres a patent for all of them and one was a timer box that only opens at a specified time and date as a means of keeping things from yourself. My mum won't have any part of it, I asked her to be my temptation box and to give me just one joint a week. Finally I have a job!! Its only temperary but its 40hrs pw packing chocolates so there will be lots of fiscal leg room when I'm in India and Asia and I'm off mystery shopping at some mini dealerships this week too. The only thing thats holding me back right now is my flying progress. My ciruits are in need of some refining and I can't get back to flying solo until I improve and I still have some exams to study for and take. I guess I'll be seeing you in January!!

Monday, 7 September 2009

My sister is in a music vid.

I'm so proud of my sister!! She plays the girl washing the window at the begining. DOn't confuse her with the other girl.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

A bird problem and recent pic of me...

So yes I've been saving wildlife. Something a kid would do and draw a picture of it and say mummy mummy I found a bird because theres no real story ...just a bird. hmmmm I thought it was concust cause it had no obvious injury and was near the window. Julie (our new tenant) decided to hold it until it pecked the crap out of her...would have filmed that but she was in her nighty at the time. This is the only pic I have of me since mexico probably. I made my mum take it cause I was getting annoyed with not being in any pictures ever. In conclusion I took the bird to the vet and if they can't get it to fly there gonna kill it.