Hey Gill, (and all on my new mailing list most of whom have probably forgotten who I am)
Thanks for the pictures, I'm envious of your camping van as currently my driving liberties are serverly inhibited by my fathers insufferable unending hints, tips, comments, suggestions and directions. Like the rainman, I swear all the live long day I went to the airfeild to do my airlaw which I passed yey!! Only to be informed that I'm out another 5k as the aircraft I was training in isn't in the right class so now I have to do 35 more hours in a slightly different aircraft so I can fly internationally and proffesionally. Unbelievable, and this guy was showing me around the hangers and in the training aircraft and he unexpectedly said "now turn around!!"
"Ok" Instantly struck was I with familiarity "OMG, its just like that helicopter in Goldfinger "
"It is!!" So I'll have to take a picture next time I'm there. But since theres nothing tying me to England anymore I'm giving serious consideration to emigrating to Australia, I'm sick of my control freak of a father whom If I had an extra pair of hands today would have been at 10-02 around his neck!! Theres absolutley nothing one can say to get him to shut the fuck up endlessly repeating the same shit over and over. I've just got home now and I can hear him arguing with my mum over this I've only just suggested my going to Australia to do my PPL and he's being such a twat his general attitude is well who's going to tie his shoe laces and dress him in the morning. For me to do this bassicaly I'm leasing out my bedroom and if my mum wants to move back there for a short time we could get a lot more for the house as a whole on lease and assuming my dad is still supporting me would be a huge benefit to the funding of my education (he has his own house).
Neway I get home and I answer the phone and its my sister "hey, hellooo" in a personable and casual manner.
"Oh thank fuck its you" and my sister just starts laughing "Oh I get it he's been on to you aswell has he?" more laughing "I've had it up to here!! Whats he been saying?"
"I'm just passing on a message"
"Ha thats halarious, why doesn't he just keep things to himself instead of endlessly obsesivley going on and on and on about the same things over and over and over, god damn rainman!!"
"Camise is coming today" so I thought thats kinda odd Melton College must have left a message with my Dad about leasing the spare room and for some reason he's passed that on to Sarah.
"Mark just pass that message on ok.....to Norma"
Why is she calling mum Norma? "Sarah what are you doing? Sarah............ that is you isn't it?" It was the melton college receptionist!! Sounded just like her and she calls up now and then and over time I've got kinda chatty with her but she knew me as my family name Mark" funny stuff. I'm skipping the man problem thing cause i'm tired but I'll just say that a man should never go commando in baggy karkis around attractive company which in itself is a whole other box of frogs as a topic!! But I already partly covered that in my last email/blog.
Will talk again soon.
Ash xxx
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