Saturday, 31 October 2009

The definition of a criminal

Good news Gill!! I'm feeling a lot more confident about getting the fuck out of here and gonna be seeing you in India maybee even before Christmas. I found a ground school in west yorkshire that can speed me through the whole thing in 2 days. I'm pleading not guilty cause the pigs have fuck all evidence against me. Though I'm still a perpetual nervous wreck I have received lots of good karma and good things are happening in the world ..... this idiot ...probably had enough of the recession said goodbye to this cruel world by jumping of the job center building... my mums work mates were urging him on "Oh get it over with!!" now thats bad karma BUT!! The day I went to wakefeild to pick up my charges I had no money!! I couldn't get anymore cash from the machine... I phoned my mum to wire me some money went back to the cash machine and theres 50 squid poking out of the slot!! Not a hint of hesitation on my part........ TAXI !! Last wed I got up to catch the train for my hearing (has been ajourned for my not guilty plea) and on the news the science adviser has been sacked for telling the truth about cannabis and other drugs. Gorden Brown is a fucking idiot!! All the science advisers who spent 10 years of research on the harms of drugs without any pay. The goverment just ignored all the scientific evidence and did as they pleased reclassifying it to a class b drug. Now there advisers are resigning and I hope that dull ignorent fuckhead wipes his feet on a decade of research of a team of highly respected scientists, the thruth, civil liberties, and more importantly my civil liberties. I HOPE TO GET THE CHANCE TO MEET YOU GORDON BROWN, THE GLOVES WILL FLY OFF MY HANDS AND I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT A CRIMINAL IS. All in all FUCK YOU!!

Thursday, 29 October 2009

NA NA NA NA na ...................NOT GUILTY!!

I had checked out for the entire day, as I made my way to wakefeild county court expecting to be charged with possession (an unrecognized crime in Australia) and driving under drug influence. The second charge is the most damaging as far as I'm concerned and it would have been dependant on forensics saying he had this much cannabiniod in his system.


It said in the last 3 months at some point I had consumed cannabis!! I've been to fucking amsterdam since then. It proves nothing and the only other evidence is said to be the video of me doing the finger on the noise dealy. I forgot to remember to stop counting or somthing stupid theres fuck all evidence there. FUCK THAT so at the end of this month I shall be pleading NOT GUILTY!!