Friday, 6 March 2009
It was Ketamine!!
I'm soo so stupid, people get stoned they don't turn to stone. Very rarely sometimes weed is spiked Ketamine, commonly used as a horse tranquilizer. I had unwittingly anesthetized myself in to being a living statue its a paralytic so you get the fun deal of being fully conscious like the spider in Lord of the Rings.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Frozen Ash.... paralysed in a standing position
Oh what a fucking crazy hour that was.............thought I was gonna fuckin' kick it. Yeah so I bought some weed and got my self set up with a grinder , smoking away to my hearts content and I try to sit down on the sofa...... Oh what the fuck? I can't move!! ..... Don't be ridiculous I say to myself come on come you just bend your knees hell fuck it just try falling backwards then............... I could not move a fucking leg related mussel ............ some how I find my self frozen in a standing postition .......... just fucking stood there..........for 20 minutes!! OMG scared the shit out of me I've had a stroke ...someone I'm stuck here!! HELP HELP WHAT the fuck is the matter with me? I tried grabbing my legs with my arms to try and get them working again shaking away ....the craziest thing to happen to me in a long while. I was eventually able to shuffle my self around with my legs frozen like that..............nightmarish!! Already getting loan quotes for my plane......end of post.
Can barley afford the life raft for this thing.....
Hmmm its perfect and ideal looks comfortable too but money woes as they go ooh that rhymed! Yes I am one fiscally channeled individual, and I didn't get that job Que lastima. Oh what a fucking glorious day. Sunny and bright ... the sound of a distant lawn mover. Its been nice ...nice and steady flow to the whole day easy oh as it goes. I'm on my moped back from town, and then....sniff .....fucking slammed on the brakes!!
These young guys walk behind me at the junction to cross. They stood at the other side chatting away and I beckoned him to come over this poor confused guy with this who the fuck are you look on his face. "I smelt weed!" The fucker tried ripping me off I had to repark and go to the cash machine. Its been so long TO BE CONTINUED
These young guys walk behind me at the junction to cross. They stood at the other side chatting away and I beckoned him to come over this poor confused guy with this who the fuck are you look on his face. "I smelt weed!" The fucker tried ripping me off I had to repark and go to the cash machine. Its been so long TO BE CONTINUED
This is the kinda plane I wanna get....

Share For Sale
AerospatialeTrinidad TB20 155 kt cruise
Total time since new 2600 hours approx * Engine 850 hours approx
(zero timed factory engine with all ancillaries: alternator, starter motor etc. fitted May 2000)
Blue Leather Interior
• King Com
• Garmin 250XL GPS Com
• King KNS 81 RNAV (FM immune)
• Slaved HSI with ILS
• Markers with audio
• 2nd Nav and indicator
• Garmin Mode S Transponder
• 2nd Artificial Horizon (electric)
• 2nd Altimeter
• RMI with VOR needle
• Century 2000 Autopilot linked H.S.I
• Bare metal respray Spring 2006
• Life Jackets + Aerad + Bottlang
See more details on
Phone :Lez Appleyard 07971987626 or 01937832765
Monday, 2 March 2009
The Imp of the Perverse.

today has been really weird been laughing for no reason, I use to have this problem with my sister she would just get annoyed and its probably the same brain defect that makes me seem guilty of things I'm innocent of. Its edgar allen poe's imp of the perverse. My sister never understood this sometimes I just go really giddy for no reason and its like that today with Musab. I'll explain.
I don't know whats going on but if someone is talking to me or I have to listen for a longer time than is comfortable to the point where I have absolutely no idea what that person is saying and I'm just mustering the strength to continue listening and not look awkward just waiting for the cue for a yeah or an I see, sure no worries. I just go off in my head and then OH NO!!! NOOO don't play the mind game you can't ever win DUM DUM DAAAAAAA the imp of the perverse is there and my rational self says shut up just listen it might be important YOUR NOW MISSING ALL THE KEY WORDS THAT ALLOW YOU TO GET AWAY WITH THIS!!
But all is lost its too late the imp knows my akiles heel all too well its been asleep for a decade.........."Don't laugh!!"
"Shut up!!" I tell it.
"Your not listening to a word are you?" and Musabs going blah blah blah and the imp says "Arrggh its almost too late your not going to last I warned you not to laugh" I exploded in to a giddy fit and I couldn't recover to explain to him about the imp in my head that makes me want to laugh at inappropriate times for no obvious reason. Its not a voice don't worry. But that little fucking imp gets me in to trouble a lot. It makes no difference if I'm completly inocent or not of whatever ....someone will say "you ate all the cake didn't you!!" I can't help it even If I don't know there is a cake or was a cake the imp says "she's on to you, she's looking for a tell. Heres what you do ok just act like you didn't eat the cake and everything will be fine just try to not avoid eye contact!!....and don't laugh!!"
and my sister would go "AHAH!!" and I would then explain to her that I was incocent its just that theres this imp!! "Oh I see an imp ate the cake, I can tell your guilty I can see it all across your face"
and thats really everything I had to say about my imp.
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