Sunday, 8 February 2009

vicousness p2

More reasons for hating Musab........

Unfucking beleivable what this guy is capable of. I was watching a film last night and he comes while talking on his fucking cellular and then turns down the fucking volume. What a complete git!! He forever complains of being hungry and yet he has no idea of how to cook. How a fully grown human being with thumbs is unable to to assemble items of food and heat the apropriate ones by the appropriate means in the appropriate amount of time is unable to cook that is just not something I could ever understand. We have to cook for him its inclusive with the room, but were not a fucking b+b and every other saudi tenant have much insisted making there own breakfast and usually don't want an evening meal. You make Musab something and he doesn't say as much as please but "Make a salad also" He can't be frightened of getting Rickets as he sleeps with the light on and he'll go to college and leave it on. I've got a mind to take his light bulb and put a cow in the garden from witch would be his only source of Vitamin D the lazy little fuck. He's trailed mud up the stairs on 3 occaisions now. Ok I'm done.

Friday, 6 February 2009

unrelenting vicousness, fuckless republicans and stuff I can't put in the blog... oh well

Hasn't been easy so far. Filling in application forms and I always fuck it up and write in the wrong boxes. Ask for another one and they've already decided your not getting the job. They want an explanation for where I've been the last 5 years. Hoping my sister will do me a reference... but no I just know she's too irritatingly righteous and uses republican buzz words like ethical and moral. I remember a time when she would smoke the occasoinal joint but nooooo its all against her thespian cult principles. I went to her flat once and I thought I knew her and her bf had told a story about smoking weed so I thought yeah they won't care if I make a pre-roll for later. It was like the worst thing someone could do in there eyes as if I had crapped on there coffee table. I hate her she's a tighly wound cow with a patronizing and pretencious posh London accent. I just hate everyone with poisoness hissing estrogen saturated venom and sharp claws..... cunts all
of them!! I especially hate Musab our tenant. Argghhhh he's rude and a pig and he eats like a pig and acts like a pig and invades the drivers side of the car prematurly canceling indicaters and generally being like my father, he's unhealthy and smells and has no shame with what he puts in the laundry basket. He should use camamile lotion. We went out to some clubs, I stole some helium ballons from a pub (they had plenty) and he didn't get it, total buzz kill with his stealing is bad speech. First he's my father and then he's my sister. Arghhhh!! My mother went all Rita Hayworth about my plants so I had to destroy them. She's spewing out all this ignorent bullshit "Its haggling your brain, you'll end up on herion, its the thin edge of the wedge!!" This is my mother how dare she insult me like if she thinks thats my charactor then she's deluded about who her son is. The 60's was wasted on them both. I can't wait to be an ex-patriot and leave all of this
smothering shit behind me, become free ranged in the Australian sun so I can express natural behaviour away from all these baige fuckless republicans. I'll be able to legally grow my own cannabis, fly my plane, go snorkelling around the Great Barrier Reef in my free time. He got mad with all the bouncers as no-one would accept his student ID. So we headed to a mixed club and he he's going on about this and blah blah blah blah "I think he is hmmm what is this word.... gay" I was in a bad mood because I didn't really want to be out, the place had changed managment and this retard of a bouncer had since hit the "Fucking Republicans!!" nerve again in me..... its a very sensitive nerve. He had a problem with my shoes and wouldn't let me in. It was never officially mixed, maybee they had a specific night. I wasn't sure how to react because though nothing was spoken I thought it was clear I was on the record as being gay. We go in to the club.... it is hidous
with 90's dance music, it was cold. Its been renamed TRU, tip of the ice burg of pretention with all its VIP areas and beaded curtains. Soon enough some lesbians start making out. He seemed suprised, I don't know why he did see her walk to the bathroom. She looked much like me but had breasts. Awkward moment for me because it was awkward for him and he turned to me and said "Those girls are kissing" and I was like yeah I can see. I felt bad because his sensibilities where all upset. This was a badly written rant that I will now end.